Shu & Associates LLP
Specializing in Commercial Law & Litigation, Insolvency & Fraud
Areas of Law
Specializing in Business
Family Law
Internatinal law
Other Areas
International Law
The Law Offices of James X. Shu has established close personal relationships with many Chinese companies and law firms. Encouraged by former professors, fellow alumni and friends (many of which are now playing important roles in almost every major city in China), in June of 1994 Mr. Shu went back to China for the purposes of setting up an international law firm in Shanghai.
Having been received warmly by Shanghai officials and with further assistance by local governments, Mr. Shu has successfully established branch/liaison offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. These resources have greatly enhanced the firm's ability to handle complicated and time-sensitive legal matters internationally, and furthered the cause of closer ties between China and the US.
Mr. Shu is now an associate attorney and in-house counsel with All Bright Law Offices (Shanghai) and Alliance Law Office (Beijing). Mr. Shu has also established liaison offices in San Francisco and Chicago with colleagues of similar background, thus further enhancing the ability to serve clients.
The firm follows economic, political, and legal developments in China very closely, maintaining a vast library of materials concerning Chinese law. This includes a complete set of the latest software with all Chinese laws and regulations promulgated since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In addition to this investment in technology, the firm uses the best Chinese language programs on the market.
The Law Offices of James Shu is committed to providing the best legal representation available. Every employee takes their responsibility to the client very seriously. Our goal is quality representation with a focus on service and affordability.
The scope of International services provided by the firm includes:
•Draft, review and negotiate contracts and other legal documents involving Chinese companies or Chinese-owned companies;
•Mediate and litigate commercial disputes between U.S. companies and Chinese companies;
•Provide feasibility studies on U.S.- Chinese joint venture projects and consulting opinions on individual projects;
•Provide legal services in the area of international transfer of technology, including protection of intellectual properties;
•Provide legal services in product liability cases;
•Set up companies in the United States;
•Handle visa applications of intra-company transferees (L-1):
•Provide debt-collection services for Chinese and U.S. companies through lawful means;
•Handle foreign will and estate matters;
•Handle the application of green cards for family members of U.S. citizens;
•Other legal services.
In addition to these services, through our associates, we can provide virtually any legal service. The Law Offices of James Shu has the resources to insure that you have only the best legal representation. Contact us today for a consultation.

Shu & Associates LLP
6666 Harwin Drive Ste 220 Houston, TX 77036
Email: shu_xj@msn.com
Tel: 713-772-2400 :
US Fax: 800-887-7059